The better VPN alternative

Zero Trust for Secure Remote Access

Outdated VPNs can't agilely secure remote access at the scale demanded by a distributed workforce and resources. Universal Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) empowers remote users to do their best work with quick, secure connections to anything from anywhere.

60 %

of knowledge
workers are remote*

Secure Remote Access

With Zero Trust vs. Without

Your organization’s attack surface is growing as more users connect from more locations. You need secure remote access that strengthens and simplifies controls for all users, devices and workloads with a software-defined architecture designed to accelerate transformation goals. Here’s the difference between dynamic secure remote access built on Zero Trust principles vs. static VPNs that don’t cut it anymore:

  • With Zero Trust


    Without Zero Trust

  • With Zero Trust

    Cloaked infrastructure

    Without Zero Trust

    Open ports
  • With Zero Trust


    Without Zero Trust

  • With Zero Trust

    Flexible and dynamic

    Without Zero Trust

    Siloed and static
  • With Zero Trust

    Concurrent connections

    Without Zero Trust

    VPN switching

Appgate SDP was built on the principles of Zero Trust to deliver frictionless, secure remote access for all users no matter where they are located.

Get the top 10 reasons you need a VPN alternative

Case Study

ONE COMPATH Switches From VPN to Universal ZTNA

ONE COMPATH’s overburdened VPN couldn’t reliably ensure secure remote access for a fully remote workforce. Discover how this digital media company successfully deployed Appgate SDP to strengthen performance, usability and security.

Read Their Story

Secure Remote Access with Appgate SDP

The industry’s most comprehensive Universal ZTNA solution

Enable all users
Consistent secure access for anyone working from anywhere, whether remote or in the office, including third parties.

Secure all devices
From managed or unmanaged devices of all makes and models, get reliable and easy secure network access.

Protect all workloads
Unified secure network access for multi-cloud, on-premises and even your tried-and-true core legacy apps.

Zero Trust Network Access with Appgate SDP2

Live learning series and Q&A: ZTNA Table Talks

Get first-hand insights from our network security experts on the advantages of direct-routed Universal ZTNA built for intricate hybrid IT environments. Each month features a different topic and live demo on how to strengthen security, control how data traverses your network, cut costs and boost operational efficiencies.

Ztna table Talk v New png

More Secure Remote Access Resources


Remote Access Insights

Get everything you need to learn how Zero Trust Network Access delivers superior secure remote access.



Webinar: Hack the VPN

Watch this on-demand webinar to see real security experts crack open a VPN in real-time.



Secure Third-Party Access

Learn how Appgate SDP enables third-party access securely, seamlessly and simply.


*Gartner. (2022, April 13). Gartner top security and risk trends in 2022.

Free ZTNA Trial

Want to test the power of Appgate ZTNA for yourself? Sign up for a 30-day trial. No fees, contracts or commitments.


Got questions?

We're here to help. Submit your information and one of our ZTNA experts will get in touch with you directly to answer your request.