360 Fraud Protection Support

This page is designed to help you easily find links related to 360 Fraud Protection Support and the ways you can get in touch with our support team.


Business HoursSupport EmailSupport Phones
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a yearfraud.support@appgate.comFrom USA: +1 866 5244782
From Bogota: +57 (1) 742 5570
From Argentina: +54 800 666 0580
From Brasil: 0800 7612314


Support is provided for all releases (e.g. minor and patch releases) of the latest major version of the Product and the previous two (2) major versions, pursuant to the Agreement and all other documents governing the purchase of the product. No Support will be provided for any other version of the Product.


In the event Appgate makes an update, improvement, or modification to a Product that Customer is entitled to in accordance with the Agreement, an official notification will be sent to Customer informing Customer about the details of the update, improvement or modification. If Customer wishes to update the Product with such update, improvement or modification, Customer must request the Installer File from Appgate through any of the available Support channels. In the event Customer makes such a request, a ticket will then be created defining the details regarding the delivery of the Installer File and the dates when the update will be performed.

Please refer to the Fraud Support Terms and Conditions for further details.

Please refer to the Cybersecurity Terms and Conditions for service and product-specific information.

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